The Official Site of the Lactopafi Laboratory Team

Monday, May 26, 2008

UP Biotech Study Reaffirms Lactobacillus Claims

A recent study conducted at the Philippine National Collection of Microorganisms (PNCM) of the University of the Philippines Biotech in Laguna last January further confirmed the company’s claims to high quality and potency of its products. The test showed LACTOPAFI Health Drink and CAPSULAC Food Supplement containing greater than 50 million beneficial Lactobacillus bacteria per gram. Four different strains of Lactobacillus were also identified

“Ever since we started production of Lactopafi we have always strived for the highest level of quality because if we do this on a consistent basis then more and more people will benefit from the product. This test result is surely a welcome development” Jose Lorenzo, VP for Manufacturing, said.

The test is a part of the company’s Quality Assurance Policy to conduct regular tests at third-party accredited laboratories from here and abroad. This system aims to test for product microbial consistency and to validate the company’s internal laboratory methods and results

“We will continue to do more tests in the coming months. Aside from the regular ones, we will be looking into some clinical trials and more tests from laboratories abroad”, Mr. Lorenzo said.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Yacon Root Now Bottled as Health Drink

Known for its worldwide ethnomedical uses to treat diabetes, kidney and bladder infections, and also lower cholesterol, Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) is indeed a wonder plant.

Native to the mountainous regions of South America, Yacon found its way into the Philippines. Engr. Greg Sanchez, having experienced first-hand its health benefits, embarked on mission to share this wonder to more Filipinos. With years of manufacturing experience and health products research, Yacon is now being bottled as a refreshing health drink.

Yacon tubers are crisp and juicy with a delicate flavor similar to apple or melon and a sweetness that increases with time. Yacon’s natural sweetness is from its fructooligosaccharides (FOS) content. This sugar is safe for diabetics and dieters. Yacon is also a prebiotic to help beneficial bacteria in the gut. It also increases the natural production of beta-glucans to strengthen the immune system.

Yacon Health Drink will soon be available in three refreshing fruit flavors: Yacon-Pineapple, Yacon-Apple, and Yacon-Lemon.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

New Blogsite for Lactopafi QC-R&D

For updates on products and events of the Lactopafi Quality Control & Research and Development, stay tuned...