The Official Site of the Lactopafi Laboratory Team

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Lacto Biotics Worldwide Corporation

LBPTRC and sister company LBII will now be known as Lacto Biotics Worldwide Corporation (LBWC). This newly reorganized and invigorated company will set up its new state-of-the-art production plant within the year. LBWC will also be launching new products in the market.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Paficare: The Newest Breakthrough in Wound Care

The Science

Liquid Solutions of Lactobacilli are known by the scientific and medical communities to possess wound healing and tissue repair properties. The study of Halper, Leshin, Lewis, & Lee in 2003 demonstrated the healing potential of Lactobacillus supernatants on wounds by stimulating tissue repair.

Lactobacillus solutions are also proven to speed up wound healing though the prevention of infections. The occurrence of wound infections will further delay the healing and closing of the wound. These infections are caused by pathogenic bacteria, especially Staphylococci. Probiotic bacteria, like Lactobacillus, is known to inhibit the growth of harmful microbes through competitive exclusion and the action of antimicrobials produced by Lactobacilli.

The Studies

A comparative study at the Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center (VSMMC) showed that wounds treated with Paficare healed 42% faster as compared to povidone iodine. Wound size was reduced to an average of 1 cm per day. The use of Paficare on the wounds also lessened the occurrence of scars, skin discolorations, and wound odors.

Studies at the VSMMC and Asian Institute of Technology also demonstrated how Lactopafi Lactobacillus solution inhibited the growth of 18 harmful pathogens. After a period of about 24 hours, no growth was observed on the pathogens which led to the conclusion that the Lactopafi liquid is effective in killing off these bad bacteria which cause diseases and infections.

The Product

Paficare is a Lactobacillus-based skin cleanser/wound wash. It contains compounds which are derived from fermentation by Lactopafi Lactobacillus bacteria. These compounds stimulate tissue repair and suppress the growth of bad bacteria which causes wound infections.

Paficare is an all-natural product manufactured through the natural process of fermentation. No chemicals and additives are added.

Lactoplant for Organic Farming

Lactoplant Growth Enhancer and Promotant is carefully formulated to enhance plant growth and improve the quality of flowers and fruits. It contains all-natural and organic ingredients produced under the natural process of fermentation. Lactoplant contains the beneficial bacteria, Lactobacillus spp. These bacteria are widely recognized to be beneficial to the host organism in many ways.

Lactoplant is a nutrient-dense suspension of beneficial organisms. Studies, trials, and user testimonials have shown that Lactoplant has the following applications:

1. Suppress plant pathogens in soils – Lactobacilli and other beneficial microbes in Lactoplant produce natural antimicrobials that inhibit the growth of pathogens. Through competitive exclusion, these beneficial microorganisms will quickly dominate the soil for resources, reducing the pathogen population to zero

2. Contains nutrients essential for plant growth – Lactoplant contains substantial amounts of macronutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These elements are needed by plants for growth, flowering, and fruiting. Lactoplant also contains micronutrients, enzymes, amino acids required for healthy plants

3. Increased resistance to pests and diseases – A healthy plant is much more resistant against the attack of pests and diseases when compared to a sick plant. Beneficial microbes which have inhabited the soil and in the plant itself will help protect the plant against diseases

4. As soil and compost conditioner – Beneficial microbes help the soil regain lost nutrients. Nitrogen fixation is promoted and energy is replenished. Composts treated with the right microbes are ready in shorter time and the quality is better. This would lead to faster plant growth and greater harvest yield

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Q & A: Lactopafi Skin Care Products

What makes Lactopafi skin care products different from other products?

Lactopafi skin care products (Lactosoap, Pafilac, Paficare) incorporate the uniquely blended LPS-B (Lacto Pafi Solution B) liquid which contains several natural antimicrobials, alpha hydroxy acids, and essential skin nutrients. This liquid is a by-product of fermentation using our unique species of probiotic Lactobacillus bacteria.

What are the benefits of LPS-B to skin?

1. Natural antimicrobials such as organic acids, bacteriocins, hydrogen peroxide, and ethanol inhibit germs and create an environment that is inhospitable to bad bacteria that causes skin diseases, infections, and irritations

2. Alpha Hydroxy Acids such as Lactic acid are widely regarded to have anti-aging properties through skin exfoliation and rejuvenation

3. Vitamins and minerals from the ingredients of LPS-B and also those released during fermentation, keeps skin healthy and looking its best

How do probiotic bacteria help skin?

Lactopafi skin care products are effective because of the fermentation products and substances produced by Lactopafi probiotic bacteria. The Lactopafi bacteria used don’t even need to be alive during application. As long as products derived from fermentation are already present in substantial amounts then there would be no need for bacteria on the skin surface.

Are Lactopafi skin care products safe for daily use?

A study by the Philippine Board of Dermatology, headed by Dr. Gertrude Chan concluded that Lactopafi products like Pafilac Feminine Wash and Lacto Soap are hypoallergenic and therefore safe for daily use even for sensitive skin.

Lactopafi Lite and Lactopafi Dark

The modern lifestyle is fast-paced. As society becomes more urbanized and our cities more commercialized and industrialized, people are pushed to the limit. Everyone must be physically and mentally fit to keep up with the demands of the job and business. At the same time, society is now more conscious on foods available in the market. There is now a higher demands for more natural and organic types of food. More people are now aware of the health risks of obesity. Individuals want to be leaner, healthier, and more energetic and alert. To keep up with the demands of the times and in the tradition of bringing good health into everyone’s homes, Lactopafi introduces two new variants of Lactopafi Food Supplement – Lactopafi Lite and Lactopafi Dark.

Lactopafi Lite is a refreshing way to replenish the digestive system with good bacteria which boost the immune system and aid digestion (of fat) and at the same time helps maintain a healthy body weight. Lactopafi Lite contains Citrin-K which helps burn fat and Inulin fiber that sweeps off toxins from the body. With proper diet and regular exercise, Lactopafi Lite promotes weight loss down to the ideal body weight.

Citrin-K is a natural substance extracted from Garcinia cambogia plant which has been clinically tested to speed up the burning of fats and converting these to energy.

Inulin is a form of fiber derived from plant roots which aids in detoxification. It is also a prebiotic that promotes the growth of good Lactopafi bacteria. Its low caloric value and minimal sugar content is suited for dieters and diabetics. Inulin fiber also curbs hunger, makes you eat lesser and lessen your calorie intake.

Lactopafi Dark is another Lactopafi variant that provides a boost of energy and mental alertness in a healthy and natural way. The B-vitamins and amino acids released during fermentation by Lactopafi bacteria energize the body. The added Ginseng provides anti-stress properties that help alleviate various emotional, physical and mental problems. Lactopafi Dark does not contain caffeine.

Ginseng is a plant root used around the world as an adaptogen (a product that increases the body's resistance to stress), as a nourishing stimulant, and as an aphrodesiac. Components reduces and regulates stress-related troubles naturally. Stress deteriorates a person’s physical and mental capacities causing problems like loss of concentration, decreased libido, weakened immune system, fatigue, and more. Overall, Lactopafi Dark relieves stress thereby providing extra mental alertness and physical boost.

Obesity and Its Implications

Obesity is defined as an excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health. People who are abnormally heavy for their height and age are considered to be overweight or obese. Excess fat in the body can cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, and cancer.

This used to be a problem among high-income countries. Now, prevalence of obesity in the developing countries is increasing, especially in urban areas. It is estimated that the number of obese cases in the Philippines could rise up to 9% within the next 5 years.

This increasing rates raise concern because of their implications to Filipinos’ health. Being obese or overweight increases the risk of many diseases and health problems, such as:

  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Osteoarthritis (a degeneration of cartilage and its underlying bone within a joint)
  • Dyslipidemia (for example, high total cholesterol or high levels of triglycerides)
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Sleep apnea and respiratory problems
  • Some cancers (endometrial, breast, and colon)
There is no better remedy for obesity than eating a proper diet and regular exercise. Some food supplements claim to speed up fat burning and actually have clinical data to back it up. However, these supplements have to be taken in careful consideration of its side effects and additive contents. When these fat burners are taken the prescribed way, together with proper diet and exercise, excess fat will be lost in no time.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Hypoallergenicity: Pafilac Purity Feminine Wash and Lacto Soap

In a recent study done by Dr. Gertrude Chan of the Philippines Board of Dermatology, it was concluded that Pafilac Purity Feminine Wash and Lacto Soap are considered to have “low level or irritation potential and safe for use among consumers with sensitive skin”. The report stated that both Lactopafi products have passed the induction, sensitization, and challenge tests and therefore, can be classified as “hypoallergenic”. Furthermore, Dr. Chan’s study also reported that a certain VCO-based soap (not Lacto Soap) in comparison, exhibited medium level of irritation potential and may irritate sensitive skin.